Avalanche awareness
Henry's Avalanche Talk
Excellent all-round site from Henry Schniewind, who has been a leading authority on avalanches in the French Tarentaise for over 20 years.
ANENA (Association Nationale pour l’Étude de la Neige et des Avalanches)
SLF (WSL- Institut für Schnee - und Lawinenforschung)
National Swiss institute for snow and avalanche research. Provides detailed current and historical snow information including a daily avalanche bulletin and forecast (in winter only) with English translation.
LWD Tirol
Excellent official site for snow, weather and avalanche information in the Austrian Tirol, updated daily (in winter).
Salzburger Lawinenwarndienst
Official Austrian site for snow, weather and avalanche information in the Salzburg area, updated daily (in winter).
Avalanche Information Service Vorarlberg
Official Austrian site for snow, weather and avalanche information in the Vorarlberg region, updated daily (in winter).